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It's easy to get any product in our system for FREE!

Simply tell retailers you know of about products that we manufacture or distribute. Our system will automatically contact that retailer and provide them with product information and wholesale prices. When they order the product you referred we will give you the referred product for FREE

Why do we give away cash and free products for successful product referrals? Your referrals help us in distributing new products to the millions of retailers around the world. Your insight and help greatly assist us, our manufacturers and the retailers we sell to. It's a win-win opportunity for you, retailers and manufacturers. 

Remember to give us as much information as possible about the retailers you are telling us about. The more contact information (names, address, phone, fax, email) about the retailer you can give the better chances of getting a reward.... Watch some of our sample referral videos to get the hang of introducing products to retailers.

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Product to be referred to the retailer:

Enter Retailer Referral Contact Information Below

Type of Retailer:

Retailer Name:

Retailer Company Address:

Retailer Company City, State and Zip:

Retailer Company Phone:

Contact Person:

Retailer Web Address(If available):

Retailer Email Address(If available):

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