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Catalog Retailers Distribution

by Scott Maust
Product Exposure Services, Inc., 05/10/07
You receive them all the time. You get different ones sent to you without asking. Then during the holidays it seems that’s all you see in the mailbox. Of course we’re talking about Mail Order Catalogs. And given the above facts it is still one of the best and most cost effective ways to get your product in front of millions if buyers. That’s why Sample Rewards is pleased to welcome Scott Maust  / The Mazek Corp. to our team as our in house catalog rep. “His services help us offer our clients another avenue for sales success by getting their products placed in major catalogs” says Billy Carmen CEO of Wizard Industries and creator of SampleRewards. We asked Scott to let our readers benefit from his years of experience and provide them with the ins and outs of the catalog business. Here’s what he had to say.
The catalog industry is a multibillion-dollar business with over 12,000 consumer catalogs on the market. The fact that many are also online provides even greater exposure for your product. Consistent catalog sales can increase your chances for retail success by providing a credible sales track record.
Catalogs thrive on new products. They are constantly searching for unique products before they can be found on retail shelves. If you think you have a good catalog product do your homework. Check out retailers, other catalogs and of course the web to make sure your product is not currently in the marketplace. Remember, good products have mass appeal, help solve a problem or make life easier.

Hot categories are pets, any organizational type items, products geared to baby boomers over age 50 to help make life more enjoyable and environmentally safe products in any category or becoming increasingly popular and requested by catalogs.

To best penetrate a catalog retailer you should have an Industry Standard Product Specification Sheet (or sell sheet) created that a catalog buyer can look at that fully describes your product mentioning features and benefits and includes a photo. A good rep will help you create this sheet or you can order the development of an ISPS from SampleRewards) because it is the primary document a buyer will have to decide to move forward with your product and request a sample.

Catalogs are a great way to test your product. They offer a level playing field. You will have the readers undivided attention, with few exceptions your product will be judged and bought on its’ own merits, not the reputation or size of the manufacturer.
One of the best things about dealing with a catalog retailer is that you need just one product. Unlike big retail stores you don’t need a “line” of products. Catalogs evaluate one product at a time and are used to dealing with individual vendors with one or two products and generally will place smaller orders so you do not need to risk capital by maintaining a large inventory.
Another great advantage of catalogs is that you can save on packaging. Unlike retail where the packaging is crucial to sales, the package has no bearing on the sale of an item in a catalog. In fact, the simpler, the better. A plastic bag or plain unprinted box is often sufficient.
These are just a few of the things to consider when dealing with catalogs. Like any sales channel there are certain rules and guideline that should be followed. A good rep will walk you through the initial process and explain the finer details of pricing, labeling, lead times, invoicing, payment and how to ship. But after it is all said and done, there’s still few things that can beat the feeling of seeing your product in a national catalog and getting that first check in your mailbox. Not to mention that it is also a printed testament to your product and is often a great sales tool for convincing other retailers to add your product to their offerings.
To have your products submitted to catalog retailers you can begin by registering at SampleRewards.com and then add your product to the system. Besides getting you into many other catalogs your product will automatically be included in the SampleRewards.com along with Amazon.com over 40 of our other category specific sites. Go to http://Manufacturers.SampleRewards.com or call us at 866-781-8033 or email:
ScottM at wizind.com