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"Log On... And Help Your New Best Friend Be Seen On TV!"

Glendale, California - "Home Shopping Petwork TV" A two year old successful TV show produced and broadcast in Los Angeles, CA is being offered for free to cities across the USA. Home Shopping Petwork, an entertaining and informative TV show centers on pets in animal shelters that are available for adoption. Show host Andrew Tarr gives viewers a peek at the personalities of various pets available for adoption, as well as showcasing a variety of pet care topics including celebrity interviews, pet events, pet-friendly travel destinations, unique animal care inventions and more.

Home Shopping Petwork has teamed with the Brightcove.com video distribution service to syndicate ad-supported video from Home Shopping Petwork across the Internet. The partnership will expand non-linear distribution of Home Shopping Petwork content, available today on Brightcove.com, to thousands of small and medium-sized websites and blogs.
The show interfaces with a robust on-line web portal built around the Product News Channel video and product distribution technology that allows businesses and consumers to interact with rescue pets and animal care products. Manufacturers who provide advertising sales revenue from the on-line resources of the TV show sponsor the system.  However, the HomeShoppingPetwork programming is totally COMMERCIAL FREE and adheres to all FCC standards for use in "must carry" municipal cable channels. The show and its on-line portal provide the ability for city shelters to interact with the cable TV show by uploading pet adoption videos into the web portal and insert them into the TV show. Future development of the technology will also provided the ability for the system to be used to match pets to people and people to pets through a matrix of animal rescue centers and municipal city cable TV channels around the USA.

Using the tremendous power of the patented Product News Channel technology and cable television, the new HomeShoppingPetwork.TV system allows animal shelters, rescue centers, pet products manufacturers, retailers, people and pets to come together for the benefit of pets and people across the USA.

The HomeShoppingPetwork.TV system features lets people connect with their "new best friends", helps locate lost pets easily and effectively and also allows shelters and animal adoption centers to use the site to sell locally targeted advertising on the website in their fund-raising efforts.

And animal lovers and pet guardians can even upload their own videos and photographs to the HomeShoppingPetwork.TV network and share their lives and love of pets with other animal lovers and guardians around the nation.

The current on-line system and cable television program, hosted by media veteran Andrew Tarr, has aired on Los Angeles City Channel 35 for the past two years and features pets, people, Hollywood celebrities, shelters and rescue centers and pet products. The current show has been picked up for broadcast in additional cities for use on "must carry" municipal access cable channels across the nation. The synergy of the HomeShoppingPetwork.TV website and the HomeShoppingPetwork.TV program works to the benefit of animal shelters, the cities using it and the pets and the people who adopt them.  Each episode of HomeShoppingPetwork.TV includes footage from shelters and rescue centers along with consumer and corporate generated video content provide for a more dynamic, entertaining, informative and unique TV program and broadband experience.

HomeShoppingPetwork.TV and the Product News Channel is another advanced and  valuable "win-win-win" use of the technology emerging and expanding from Wizard Industries, one of the information industry's most remarkable innovators.

To learn more, please log onto:  www.HomeShoppingPetwork.TV... and meet your new best friend!


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