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Product Blogger - Media - Retailer Sample Request

Qualified retailers and media professionals can receive free samples by contacting us using the email form below.

*Samples are available to retailers or media professionals upon qualification.

Due to various arrangements with manufacturers certain products are not available as samples. You will be notified of qualifying products upon order placement.

For wholesale ordering or other information please call 707-824-9400
Please note we DO NOT supply wholesale products
to ebay or auction sellers. 

Retailer & Media Sample Request Form
Enter Your Contact Information Below


Buyer Name:

Your Address:







Facebook Address:

YouTube Address:

Pinterest Address:

Blog Address:

Print Publication or TV Show Name:

Type of Retailer/Dealer:

Which Product Are You Requesting Sample Of?:

Comments, suggestions, questions or inquiries:

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email us at [email protected] E-mail us.